Contacting the right person makes the whole experience better!
Same-day issues / Customer Service (5 minute response time)
Phone: +1 (917) 284-9512 SMS/Text: +1 (347) 561-8588 Email:
*For same-day issues, please ensure that you receive an immediate response or continue to contact us via multiple channels. SMS/Text messages can ONLY be received at the designated SMS/Text line.
Scheduling team (24 hour response time) Email:
Onboarding team / Interpreter questions (5 minute response time)
Phone: +1 (810) 510-1000
Sales team (5 minute response time)
Phone: +1 (810) 510-1000
Accounting team (Two business days response time)
Management Email:
It is the goal of Simply to provide the utmost service while satisfying our clients. The responsibility of reporting assignment issues belongs to the Interpreter and should there be any issues other than a perfect assignment, they must be reporting to Simply until a response is given to you.
Same Day issues generally are required to be reported via Phone to the Customer Service team. We will accept SMS messages reporting issues provided that you receive a reply. Since SMS is not full-proof, if you cannot obtain a response via E-mail or SMS, you must call our Customer Service team.
Our Customer Service team is generally very busy handling real-time live cases, thus if you have a question or concern that is not of urgency, please contact our Onboarding team via phone at +1 (810) 510-1000.
Scheduling team focuses on the future assignments and they do not handle live or same-day issues. For issues with jobs today or the next day, those shall be addressed to the Customer Service team.
Accounting and invoicing are only handled by Controllers via written communication, to improve transparency, and require two business days to receive a response. Please note that submitting your Invoice via our Invoice portal gives you an automatic email confirmation of the submission thus allowing our team to work faster. Please follow the processes in place to allow everyone to be paid on time.
If you have comments or suggestions, or if you are not happy with something, you may write directly to management via email at Please make your subject and email content relevant to your topic to gain visibility to the management team.