Make Life Easy Let us do the hard work, searching, filtering e-mails and opportunities
The Simply Team works around the clock seven days a week to gather assignment offers with our Vendors and passes these offers to our contracted network of Interpreters via the Open Offers portal and via E-mail offers. The tools provided allow Interpreters to select assignments convenient to them, allowing you to search by facility, street name or city. Interpreters can turn E-mail communication on and off with the click of a button to regulate their communication preferences.
Remain Flexible
Everyday we have hundreds of assignments that are constantly updated throughout the day. Whether you do your search for work in the morning, afternoon or evening, you'll have a wealth of job offers at hand. Simply prides itself on providing the most information possible for each assignment allowing Interpreters to make an educated choice on which jobs to select. Assignments on the Open Offers portal present the assignment date, time, facility name and full address along with the expected appointment type and duration or other notes requested by the client. You Simply choose the ones you want.
Optimize Your Schedule
Interpreters are generally overloaded with phone call offers, text messages and hundreds of emails per day across multiple agencies. This causes chaos, confusion and brain overload! With Simply, our goal is to put Interpreters in charge of communication and allow Interpreters to visit our Open Offers portal at their leisure. Simply makes it simple with one Invoice per month listing all of your jobs allowing for easier transparency on payment. Simply's goal is that Interpreters choose work close to their home and convenient, since our network is vast, we have an Interpreter near the assignment location. If you have work at a particular location, simply input the facility or street name in our search tool to quickly fill your schedule with desired work. Whether you want 1 job a day or 10 jobs a day back to back. We are here to fill your schedule to your desire.
Can I really work for one agency?
While most Interpreters work for multiple agencies, it can often be difficult when it comes time to reporting assignment issues, managing your schedule and finally getting paid. With Simply, we use an unbiased scheduling system allowing everyone the opportunity to start and get on board with enough work to earn a living. When juggling multiple agencies, Interpreters often are provided with incorrect assignment duration causing issues with either the current assignment or the next one and a choice is often made on which agency to burn a bridge with. With Simply, Interpreters can report assignment issues and Simply will determine whether you should leave on-time from the current assignment or stay on while we will reassign the conflicting jobs same-day. This is a key benefit of stress relief when focusing their work from one agency. Get more work - Interpreters can report follow-ups to ensure a steady pipeline of future assignments all under the roof of Simply.
Friendly Reminders
We realize that many Interpreters work for multiple agencies and to make life easier, Simply sends reminders for upcoming assignments. Every weekend, the Simply Team is working hard at looking at your schedule for any possible conflicts in assignment date/times and locations and sends you a personalized Email with your assignments for the week. One day before and same day, we also send out Email reminders of assignment offers. Two days before, we send an additional reminder for Medical Evaluations. While we do send out reminders, remember that Interpreters are responsible for their schedule and reminders are sent as a courtesy.
RUSH Offers
Our Scheduling team's aim is to get to know you. Your typical scheduled availability, locations covered and assignment preferences. Place your confidence in our Scheduling team by being available and communicating promptly, we can then utilize our scheduling expertise to maximize your schedule with efficiency in mind.
Easy Invoicing
Simply prides itself on making on-time payments each and every month. Simply pays Interpreters once per month on the last day of every month, for Invoices submitted on time. One Invoice per month with all of your assignments makes Invoicing more transparent and easier to reference and keep track of. ACH Direct Deposit or Checks by mail are offered.
If the last day is a weekend or bank holiday, it will be delayed to the next working day. Checks by mail depend upon your mail service.
Join The Simply Way!